Tuesday, March 31, 2015

For The Betterment Of Mental Health

Eating five meals of fruits and vegetables daily is associated with a better mental health in a recent survey conducted by the Warwick Univesity, UK.

In the survey, a researcher collected data from more than 14,000 volunteers that took part in a helath survey  for England.

About 33.3% of those suffered from serious mental health were reported to be taking 5 meals a day. From this group, only 6.8% took less than 5 meals.

Among the other volunteers that suffered from high mental health, 31.4% took 3 to 4 meals of fruits and vegetables daily and 28.4% took one or two meals a day.

Volunteers comprised of 44% males and 56% females, showing the almost related results for both sexes. All volunteers were more than 16 years old and their mental healths were assessed using the Warwick -Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS).

Approximately 15% of the volunteers were categorized as having high mental health and another 15% in a lower category. The rest of 16% to 84% fell in the middle, according to the survey, that was published in the British Medical Journal.

In 2012, the same group of researchers discovered that mental health culminated with 7 meals of fruits and vegetables daily. This research was published in the Social Indicator Research Journal

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