Sunday, May 3, 2015

Eye Care

Why eye care is very important to you ?

Eyes are always exposed to air that is polluted, bacteria, dry air, wind, make-up kits and various other factors.

These factors will cause your eyes to be in the risk of getting :

 - infections
 - allergy
 - injury
 - eye fatigue

How do you have to look after your eyes ?

Watching TV:

 - with distance of more than 2 metres
 - if you find yourself watching TV too close to the screen, you need to go through visual test.
 - do not watch TV lying down.

While reading :

 - hold reading material within 33cm to 40cm distance.
 - do not read lying down

While using a computer :

 - take time to rest your eyes. Move view away from screen and look at other object for 10 seconds for every 10 minutes.
 - do change work position. Do movement in surrounding area at least 2 hours after using a computer. It can rest your eyes and body.
 - blink your eyes ! Less blinking can reduce tears for eyes lubrication which can cause dry and uncomfortable eyes. You are encouraged to use artificial eyedrops if you are using a computer for a long period.
 - do stretching activity and body straightening. Good body position will help block any pain in neck muscle and back body.
 - change the position of your computer monitor. The monitor has to be in a position 20 to 30 inches from your eyes, approsimately half outstretched arm.
 - change the keyboard position. Place the keyboard in front of the monitor.
 - if necessary, where suitable eyeglasses. If you are wearing glasses or contact lenses ensure there is enough light to help you using the computer.

Ensure you receive sufficient light while reading :

 - lamplight of 60 watts to 100 watts is tghe most suitable for an individual with normal vision.
 - lamplight of 150 watts to 200 watts is the most suitable for an individual with reduced vision level.

Use eye protection device when joining sports activity.

Consume more food which contains vitamin A, like carrot, spinach, papaya and tomato.

Do not look straight at the direction of the sun :

 - the most effective method of protecting the eyes from sunlight is to use dark spectacles designed specifically to prevent ultra violet radiation.
 - do not look directly at the sun even if wearing dark spectacles

Avoid from using any opthalmic without doctor's instruction.

Obtain doctor's advice if you have following problems :

 - red eyes
 - blur vision
 - very painful eye sore
 - foreign objects inside eyes
 - injury in eyes

" 1 Weird Trick That Forces Eyes Into Perfect 20/20 Vision In Just 7 Days .....
With Practically No Effort ...."

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