Saturday, May 16, 2015

How Many Pieces Of Egg Can Be Eaten In A Week ?

We all know that eggs contain high cholesterols and cholesterol is one of the contributors of heart disease. However, egg is a good source of protein, and at the same time it is also delicious. So, how many can we eat in a week ?

Nowadays, nutritionists are less strict with eggs. They used to tell ones with cardiac problems not to eat more than two eggs in a week. Now they say we can even eat four eggs.

According Julia Zumpano, a nutritionist in Cleveland Clinic, America, for someone who does not have high cholesterol level, diabetes or other heart problems, he or she can eat up to 6 eggs per week.

A big size egg contains approximately 186mg cholesterol. That already reached the maximum daily level for heart patients. Hence, on the day you eat eggs, reduce other food intake which contain cholesterol like meat, butter and cheese. Way of cooking is equally important.

Zumpano suggests dry cooking method or oil free - poached eggs, boiled or oil-free frying (using no-stick or spray cooking ). Be reminded that cholesterols contain in egg yolk hence eat as much white egg as you can.

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